February 2025 (Vol. 48, Number 08)
The Banner Says…
The lost streets of Edinburgh
Jamie, Ewan and Lachlan Maclean preparing to row across the Pacific Ocean, raising money for clean water projects.
Scotland’s capital is regarded as one of the most beautiful cityscapes in the world, designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1995. The streets are full of history and Edinburgh is Scotland’s most visited city. Today any visit to the city will see visitors year-round taking photos at every corner and using their GPS to navigate the winding cobble stone streets. However, one street just may not come up on anyone’s map.
Libberton’s Wynd
Libberton’s Wynd ran from High Street in Lawnmarket down to Cowgate, just off the George IV Bridge and deep below where the National Library of Scotland now stands. This forgotten street was only rediscovered in the 1990s by library staff and is affectionately known as ‘The Void’. As Edinburgh grew during the 1800s several streets were demolished to make way for the George IV Bridge, this included Libberton’s Wynd. The wynd itself was a very packed street with crowded tenements full of families and businesses and not much natural light available. Those who used to walk this road had to contend with what occurred on many streets, residents tossing their latrines out the window to the call of “Gardylo”. It also housed some of the more interesting drinking establishments and was a favoured location for Robert Burns during his time in Edinburgh in the 1700s.
The street, though considered unsafe at night, would have been full of life with silversmiths, grocers, barbers and more. Libberton’s Wynd was also a popular throughfare to reach Edinburgh’s infamous gallows. Thousands of spectators would head to the nearby gallows and watch all kinds of people executed in a macabre public show, including that of the infamous body-snatcher and murderer William Burke which took place on 28th January 1829.
The first reference to Libberton’s Wynd can be traced back to the late 15th century, and the iconic street was demolished by 1835. In the 1990s staff from the National Library of Scotland opened up a hatch found behind a filing cabinet and discovered the remains of some of Libberton’s Wynd and a piece of Edinburgh’s history. ‘The Void’ is still not accessible to the public but the fact it has been discovered in modern times allows us to try and get a glimpse into what life was like in history.
Historic passageways
Anyone who has visited Edinburgh has no doubt walked the Royal Mile in the heart of the Old Town. Off the Royal Mile you will still today find closes, courts and wynds. So, what is the difference some might wonder? Most of the historic passageways which run off the Royal Mile are closes, and date back to Medieval times. The name was in connection to that they were often private property, with a gate and closed to the public and the ‘closeness’ of these narrow lanes being just a few feet or metre apart.
A wynd was a lane or alley leading off a major thoroughfare and open to the public. These passageways were wider, even able to accommodate horse and buggy, than closes and would wind and connect different parts of the town. Wynd’s like Libberton’s Wynd would have many people pass through it every day.
Courts were narrow passages off the Royal Mile which open into a larger courtyard area and used for access generally by more than one building.
In this issue
Regular readers of the Scottish Banner may remember when we highlighted three Scottish brothers who not only broke a world record by rowing across the Atlantic, they did it to help people have clean and safe drinking water. Ewan, Jamie and Lachlan Maclean will soon set off on a monumental row from South America to Sydney, Australia this year to again raise money for the cause close to their hearts. We will keep readers updated on this incredible journey and encourage anyone who can support their efforts to do so.
Have you ever wondered where the Highlands start in Scotland, or where the Lowlands end? The notion of Highlands or Lowlands goes beyond just geological features such as the Highland Boundary Fault but also entails social and agricultural history.
Many Scottish branch lines were lost in the 1960s as part of a major restructuring of the UK’s nationalized railway system and also rising car ownership. Today some of those rail lines are being used for recreational purposes, giving them a new lease of life. Cyclists along with two and four legged walkers can enjoy these unique outdoor spaces and connect with nature and themselves.
Valentine’s Day in Scotland
This month is also Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate love. It is believed that the remains of St Valentine’s are found at the church of Blessed St John Duns Scotus in Glasgow. Each February 14th people gather at the Gorbals church, where his forearm is meant to be, and celebrate mass and love. Scotland’s reputation for romantic venues is already well known throughout the world.
For one small Scottish village love has been part of its history for hundreds of years. Gretna Green in the Scottish Borders is famous around the world as the place for weddings. It is the first village over the Scottish border on the road from England to Glasgow. It is renowned for being the place where young English couples in particular eloped; as English law said they could not marry until they were 18 years old (or 21 without their parents’ permission), whereas in Scotland marriage was allowed at 16.
Thus, making the town Britain’s ultimate wedding destination, and what’s not to love about that.
Have you walked any of Edinburgh’s historic streets? Do you have you any comments from the content in this month’s edition? Share your story with us by email, post, social media or at: www.scottishbanner.com/contact-us
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