Waipu Highland Games
Waipu - New Zealand Waipu, New ZealandNew Zealand's largest Scottish event at Caledonian Park-a great Scottish way to start the year. Info: http://www.waipugames.co.nz
New Zealand's largest Scottish event at Caledonian Park-a great Scottish way to start the year. Info: http://www.waipugames.co.nz
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
2pm Masonic Hall Lodge, Grey St. The afternoon consists of readings, recitations, songs, music. Info: Secretary: Janet Williamson 09 376 4448.
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Open Night for new dancers. Info: http://www.aucklandscd.org.nz
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
At Lloyd Elsmore Park. Info:[email protected]
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Bands from across New Zealand and beyond compete at Trafalgar Park. Info: Helen [email protected] or +64 21 277 3752.
Conducted under the Rules of the P&D Assn. of NZ at Whakarongo Hall, (cnr. Napier Rd. & Stoney Creek Rd.) Includes: PACANZ National Young Performer of the Year Award. Info: http://www.piping-dancing.org.nz
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
2pm Masonic Hall Lodge, Grey St. The afternoon consists of readings, recitations, songs, music. Info: Secretary: Janet Williamson 09 376 4448.
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Bringing together top international teachers with students of all levels for learning, fun, and fellowship at Wellesley Country Park. Info: http://www.shissf.com
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
At Clearwater Golf Club-golf with a Scottish twist. Info: http://www.hororatahighlandgames.org.nz
2pm Masonic Hall Lodge, Grey St. The afternoon consists of readings, recitations, songs, music. Info: Secretary: Janet Williamson 09 376 4448.
Celebrate with a group of people with a connection to, or interest in, the Shetland Islands. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
Celebrate Tartan Day by wearing some tartan today and display your Scottish pride!
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Highland dancers from across NZ at Ashburton Trust Event Centre, Wills Street. Info: http://www.piping-dancing.org.nz
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
Presented by the Waipu Museum at the Waipu Celtic Barn. Info: 09 432 0746 or http://www.waipumuseum.com
2pm Masonic Hall Lodge, Grey St. The afternoon consists of readings, recitations, songs, music. Info: Secretary: Janet Williamson 09 376 4448.
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Celebrate with a group of people with a connection to, or interest in, the Shetland Islands. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
Canterbury Caledonian Society Hall 5 Michelle Road, Wigram. Info: http://www.piping-dancing.org.nz
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
At Alexandra Park Racecourse (Rutherford Room). The guest of honour will be Grant Guthrie Davidson, Chief of Clan Davidson. Info: Murdock McDonald [email protected] or 09 298 4802.
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
2pm Masonic Hall Lodge, Grey St. The afternoon consists of readings, recitations, songs, music. Info: Secretary: Janet Williamson 09 376 4448.
Celebrate with a group of people with a connection to, or interest in, the Shetland Islands. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
Pot luck lunch followed by items, pipes, music, dancing. Hosted by Clan Campbell Society Auckland NZ Inc. Held at Soldiers Settlers Hall, Te Putu St. 11am-4pm. Info: Malcolm Campbell 09 634 2219, 021 151 6315, Kath Davies 07 824 6550 or [email protected]
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Feilding and Districts Caledonian Society and conducted under the rules of the P & D Assn of NZ Inc. at Caledonian Hall, Weld St. Info: http://www.piping-dancing.org.nz
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
Presented by the Canterbury Scottish Heritage Council at St Andrews at Rangi Ruru, Merivale Lane. Info: [email protected]
Presented by The Highland Piping Society of Canterbury at St Andrews College, Norman's Rd. Info: http://www.pipersclub.co.nz
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
At Scots Hall a spooky night with friends and family. Info: http://www.kapitiscots.co.nz
At the Mt Albert Presbyterian Church Hall, 14 Mt Albert Road, Mt Albert. Dancing from 2pm to 5.30pm with a mix of reels. Info: Allen 09 267 7643 or http://www.scottish.org.nz.
Canterbury's largest Scottish Highland Games. Held annual this event has something for everyone. Highland dancers, pipe bands, heaven events, tug o war, kilted mile, a taste of Scotland, clans alley and stalls for a spot of shopping. Info: http://www.hororatahighlandgames.org.nz
At Harcourt Park, Norbert Rd. Includes competitions for dancing, and piping. Fun for all the family - sword fighting demonstrations, archery, music, games, horses, highland cattle, and more. Info: [email protected]
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
2pm Masonic Hall Lodge, Grey St. The afternoon consists of readings, recitations, songs, music. Info: Secretary: Janet Williamson 09 376 4448.
At Three Kings Reserve, a full day of pipe bands, Clan gathering, stalls and more. Free entry. Info: 02 1121 9537 [email protected]
Hosted by the City of Wellington Pipe Band, the festivities will take place from 12-4pm at Frank Kitt's Park. It is a celebration of all things Scottish, with activities and entertainment for everyone in the family. Info: http://www.cowpb.org.nz
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
At Scots Hall with dancing, haggis & bagpipes. Info: http://www.kapitiscots.co.nz
Presented by the Scottish Society of New Zealand at Scottish Society Hall, Edgeware & Caledonian Sts. Info: Charlie 0211 361 334
Celebrate with a group of people with a connection to, or interest in, the Shetland Islands. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz
Celebrate with a group of people with a connection to, or interest in, the Shetland Islands. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz
Celebrate the season at Scots Hall. Info: http://www.kapitiscots.co.nz
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John [email protected]
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info:[email protected]
Start the year off at New Zealand's largest Scottish event with pipe bands, Clan gathering, Scottish dancers, stalls, heavy events and more. Info: http://www.waipugames.co.nz
Pipers and drummers summer school for pipers and drummers of all levels of ability and experience. Principal Tutors: Jack Lee and Reid Maxwell. Info: [email protected]
Presented by the New Zealand Academy of Highland & National Dancing at St Margaret's College,12 Winchester St. Info: Mrs Elizabeth Smith 03 359 9650 or [email protected]
140th running of the Waimate Caledonian Games. Info: Bernie Blackgrove 03 689 7514 or [email protected].
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
A full day of family fun with events and entertainment for all ages. Pipe Bands, solo piping, solo drumming, Highland & national dancing, traditional field events, children's games, Clan & market stalls, haggis ceremony and free evening Ceilidh with live band - Bowmore. Check our website http://www.turakinahighlandgames.co.nz or find us on Facebook for more information. ... Read more
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
9am to 9pm, at the Paeroa Domain. The only highland games in New Zealand to hold an evening Tattoo. Info: 07 862 7164 or http://www.paeroahighlandgames.co.nz
Social event presented by Shetland Society of Wellington. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz
Love the pipes on Valentines Day! Info: Murray Robinson 027 215 1332 or [email protected].
One of the greatest shows on earth at Westpac Stadium as part of the New Zealand Festival. Info: http://www.festival.co.nz
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
At Lloyd Elsmore Park. Info:[email protected]
Piping contest and display at the Octagon. Info: Maureen Hurrell 03 4780676 or [email protected].
Otago region piping contest. Info: Maureen Hurrell 03 4780676 or [email protected].
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
New Zealand's largest whisky festival with more than 10 international guests and 40+ exhibitors for a weekend of whisky education. Info: http://www.dramfest.co.nz
Piping event at Riccarton House, 16 Kahu Rd. Info: 03 341 1018 or [email protected].
At Riccarton Bush, Kahu Rd. Info:[email protected]
A National Theatre of Scotland, National Theatre of Great Britain and Edinburgh International Festival co-production at ASB Theatre, Aotea Centre. Spanning almost 100 years and the turbulent reigns of James I, II and III of Scotland, The James Plays, by Rona Munro, take a little known period of history and turn it into a thrilling ... Read more
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Over 50 pipe bands from around NZ compete for the Championship titles over 2 days at Kowhai Park, South St. Plus a Celtic Festival will be held in Palmerston North and Feilding from Thursday to Sunday including a Celtic Market, highland dancing, massed band street march and concert at the Feilding Clock Tower. Info: http://www.nzpipebands.org.nz ... Read more
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
At City of Wellington Pipe Band Hall. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
At Te Anau Lodge and Te Anau Airport. Info: 027 524 5507 or http://www.fiordlandadvocate.co.nz/tartan
Highland Games Dancing and Solo Piping, including North Island and Hawkes Bay Championships. Inquiries : Gaye Reid 021 737335
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
7:30 pm Baptist Church. Info: The Napier Pipe Band http://www.napierpipeband.nz.
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
At the Mt Albert Presbyterian Church Hall, 14 Mt Albert Rd. Dancing from 2pm to 6.00pm is a mix of Old Time, Sequence and your favourite Virginia, Cumberland and Govendale reels. Home made Afternoon Tea is included with entry. Info: http://www.scottish.org.nz.
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Hosted by Clan MacKenzie Society of New Zealand at Mosgiel Memorial RSA , Church St. Events include a meet and greet on Friday night, full day of activity and AGM on Saturday and a bus trip to venues related to our early Scottish Settlers on Sunday. Info: http://www.clan-mackenzie.org.nz
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
An opportunity to get to know others who have Davidson family connections and history. We welcome both old friends and new Clan members. This year the dates coincide with Davidson Day so why not come and meet your fellow Clansfolk. Info: Maureen MacDonald (04) 577-2225 or [email protected].
A day of Clan Donald business and social events at Heartland Hotel Cotswold. Info: Patricia McKechnie 04 293 4290 [email protected]
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
Presented by Shetland Society of Wellington at the Indian Cultural Centre. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz
Including Under 18 Years PDANZ Highland Dancing Championships. Info: http://www.piping-dancing.org.nz.
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
An evening of fine tradition, a full three-course meal, a top range of live entertainment and a wonderful atmosphere at 52 Princess St. Info: Brent Le Quesne 027 289 8711 or [email protected].
Highland dance events and competition at ASB Theatre Marlborough. Info: http://www.piping-dancing.org.nz.
Tartan Day in Australia and New Zealand Tartan Day is a celebration of Scottish heritage. In 1747, wearing tartan was made an offense punishable in Scotland by the Act of Proscription. The act was repealed on July 1, 1782.
Manawatu Scottish Pipe Band & Hasting Pipe Band live in concert at the Lindisfarne Auditorium. Info: [email protected] or http://www.manawatuscottish.co.nz.
Celebrate Tartan Day with Scottish music, dance and more at North Shore Events Centre. Info: 09 443 8199.
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
Highland Dancing Championships for Under 16 years and 18 & over age groups, Come and see New Zealand's top dancers in action over the weekend, culminating on Monday afternoon when the top 10 dancers in age group are announced at Regent on Broadway, 53 Broadway Ave. Info: (06) 357 9740 or http://www.regent.co.nz
Showcasing creative endeavour using tartan from around New Zealand at the Celtic Barn, 47 The Centre. Info: http://www.waipumuseum.com.
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
At the Mt Albert Presbyterian Church Hall, 14 Mt Albert Rd. Dancing from 2pm to 6.00pm is a mix of Old Time, Sequence and your favourite Virginia, Cumberland and Govendale reels. Home made Afternoon Tea is included with entry. Info: http://www.scottish.org.nz.
At The Coachman, Fitzherbert Ave. Includes a Haggis ceremony, guest speaker and entertainment. Info: 027 232 6664 or [email protected].
Come and join the band in celebration of winning 2016 Grade 4 NZ Championships and includes a ceilidh band & food. Tickets: www.eventfinda.co.nz
Highland dance competitions at Avalon Public Hall, Maybe Rd. Info: www.piping-dancing.org.nz.
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
At St Patricks School Hall, Riverbend Rd, 1:30pm.Info: www.rscdsnzb.org.nz.
Solo piping competition at Onehunga Community House, 83 Selwyn St, Onehunga. Info: www.piping-dancing.org.nz.
Conducted by the Dancing Class of the Scottish Society of NZ at Scottish Society Hall, Cnr Edgeware and Caledonian Roads, 9am. Info: www.piping-dancing.org.nz.
Top of the South's Champion Pipe Band Celtic Pipe Band presents another concert in the charismatic St Andrews Church, "Kirk" on the corner of Henry and Alfred St. Enjoy an afternoon of inspiring Celtic music. Info: Buy 03 520 8560.
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
At Levin and District War Memorial Hall, Chamberlain St. Info: 06 368 3295.
Pipin' Hot will give Southland audiences another taste of what they love and this year Pipin' Hot is showcasing New Zealand and Australian music at Civic Theatre, 88 Tay St. Info: (03) 211 1692.
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
Celtic Pipe Band bring to the stage the myths and legends of Scotland in their fourth annual stage show. Celtic’s shows are known for their blend of traditional and modern music, instruments and dance, at Theatre Royal Nelson, 78 Rutherford St. Info: 03 548 3840 or www.theatreroyalnelson.co.nz.
Social event at the City of Wellington Pipe Band Hall. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz.
Find your Celtic roots and get along to listen, sing or jam: all welcome at Nivara Lounge, 266 Victoria St. Info: 07 838 0306.
Held in conjunction with the Te Awamutu Performing Arts. Info: [email protected].
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
30 highland dancers from the ages of 8-15 years are embarking on an opportunity of a lifetime to dance on the world stage in Paris in November next year. This event is to help raise funds to get them there at The Tannery, 3 Garlands Road, Woolston. Info: 0800 4 TANNERY or www.thetannery.co.nz.
Held at Auckland Irish Society Hall, Fowld's Park, Morningside, Auckland. Start 12pm. Haggis, lunch, dancing, items, bagpipes. All welcome. Info: Malcolm Campbell, Auck. 6342219 or 021 151 6315.
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
Presented by the Waipu Caledonian Society-a concert featuring a spectacular line up of renowned and award winning Celtic artists - to be held at Waipu's Celtic Barn. Info: Jill 09 4320090 or [email protected].
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
At the Mt Albert Presbyterian Church Hall, 14 Mt Albert Rd. Dancing from 2pm to 6.00pm is a mix of Old Time, Sequence and your favourite Virginia, Cumberland and Govendale reels. Home made Afternoon Tea is included with entry. Info: http://www.scottish.org.nz.
The South Island's biggest Scottish Festival. With pipe bands, Scottish dancers, Clan alley,stalls and more at Hororata Domain. Info: http://www.hororatahighlandgames.org.nz.
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Annual event with dancing, piping and drumming competitions, clan tents, highland cattle, archery, pipe bands, country dancing and sword fighting demonstrations, and much more. Free entry at Harcourt Park, Akatarawa Rd. Info: [email protected]
Monthly on the third Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
A full day of Scottish events with pipe bands, Scottish dancers, Clans, heavy events and more, a free community event at Three Kings Reserve, Mt Eden. Info: David John Harvey: 021 121 9537 or [email protected].
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
Celebrate Scotland's patron saint with the Shetland Society of Wellington. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz.
Celebrate Scotland's patron saint with food, music & friends. The day celebrates the Feast of Saint Andrew and is National Scotland Day on November 30th!
Musicians bring Burns’ classics to a modern stage at Toitū Otago Settlers Museum,, 31 Queens Garden. Info: 03 477 5052 or www.toituosm.com.
The Canterbury Caledonian Society Grade One band is holding its 26th annual Pipe Band contest showcasing several bands from all over the South Island including juvenile/youth bands. Info: [email protected]
Celebrate the festive season at the City of Wellington Pipe Band Hall. Info: http://www.shetlandwellington.org.nz.
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: http://www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Upwards of 20 highland pipe bands and scores of contestant solo bagpipers, solo drummers and highland dancers of all ages will converge on The Square. Info: Brent Le Quesne on 027 289 8711 or [email protected].
Wishing all our readers, advertisers and friends a very Happy Christmas!
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
Wishing all our a readers, advertisers and friends a very Happy Hogmanay and best wishes for 2017!
Piping, dancing Clans and more at New Zealand's largest Scottish festival. Info: http://www.waipuhighlandgames.co.nz.
Musicians bring Burns’ classics to a modern stage at Toitū Otago Settlers Museum,, 31 Queens Garden. Info: 03 477 5052 or www.toituosm.com.
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn [email protected]
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
A full day of Scottih fun at Victoria Park, Queen St. Info: www.schoolground.co.nz/waimatecaledonian/114916
Celebrate the bard! January 25th marks the annual celebration of Scotland's national poet Robert Burns.
Dunedin fans of Robbie Burns have been celebrating the poet’s birthday since 1855. Join Toitū and the Dunedin Burns Club to hear more about the man and his times. Info: [email protected] or 03 477 5052.
7:30-10:30 pm, monthly on the last Friday at St David's in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. Info: [email protected]
New Zealand's oldest highland games at Turakina Domain, Cameron Rd. Full day of Scottish events and family fun. Info: Secretary Heather Calkin 027 6656 238 or http://www.turakinahighlandgames.co.nz.
Full day of Scottish events and fun at Turakina Domain, Cameron Rd. New Zealand's longest running Highland Games. Info: 027 6656 238 or www.turakinahighlandgames.co.nz.
The City of Nelson Highland Pipe Band presents Pipes in the Park, two hours of Scottish music and fun in the Fairfield Meadow, with everything from traditional bagpipes and drums, to singers and other musicians and even haggis. Info: www.facebook.com/events/170108336787460
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
On stage at the Aurora Centre Burnside High-a salute to the centenary of the Battle of Passchendaele. Tickets $49 and on sale from Ticketek. Info: [email protected].
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
A full day of Scottish events and family fun and includes New Zealand's the only evening tattoo at Paeroa Domain, Willoughby St. Info: P: 021 936 450 or www.paeroahighlandgames.co.nz.
Pipe bands from Otago and Southland compete. Info: Maureen Hurrell 03 4780676 or [email protected]
Piping contest. Info: Maureen Hurrell 03 4780676 or [email protected]
St Davids in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. All are welcome to play, dance, or even call ceilidh dances and certainly just to watch. Info: [email protected]
Pipes and more at Lloyd Elsmore Park. Info: [email protected].
At Auckland Town Hall - Great Hall, 303 Queen St. Info: www.apo.co.nz.
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
Funnymen Bruce Fummey and Vladimir McTavish live at the Fortune Theatre, 231 Stuart St. Info: 0800 BUY TIX (289 849).
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
This is a day initiated by The Bagpipe Society to celebrate the world's many bagpipes and piping traditions. Every March 10th you are invited to go out and play your pipes – anywhere, anyhow to anyone!
Pipe bands from across NZ compete at the national championships across all grades at Trafalgar Park. Info: www.nzpipebands.org.nz.
Laughter with a kilt on at Fortune Theatre, 231 Stuart St. Bruce Fummey is a previous winner of Scottish Comedian of the Year. Info: 0800 BUY TIX (289 849).
The poems and songs of the great bard of Scotland, Robert Burns, are performed by members, visitors and guests followed by a light afternoon tea at Scottish Masonic Buildings 59 Grey Street, Onehunga. Info: [email protected].
At the City of Wellington Pipe Band Hall, Corner Stoke & Hanson Streets. Info: www.shetlandwellington.org.nz.
St Davids in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. All are welcome to play, dance, or even call ceilidh dances and certainly just to watch. Info: [email protected]
Highland Dance classes commence at 9:45am. and will be held each Saturday until 12th of August 2017. Info: www.canterburycaledonian.org.nz.
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
Trad fiddle and song at Wellington Bluegrass Society, Peel Place, 54 Richmond St, Petone. Info: www.pirateandqueen.co.nz
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Highland Games dancing and solo piping, including North Island and Hawkes Bay Championships at Lindisfarne College, 600 Pakowhai Rd. Info: Gaye Reid 021 737 335 or [email protected].
At the Octagon Club, Age Concern, 9 The Octagon, 1.45-2.45 pm. All welcome. The concert will be followed by afternoon tea at 2.45 pm and then the AGM of the Dunedin Burns Club at 3pm. New members welcome. Info: www.dbci.blogtown.co.nz.
St Davids in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. All are welcome to play, dance, or even call ceilidh dances and certainly just to watch. Info: [email protected]
A show for all ages with pipe bands, Scottish dance and more at Manfeild, South St. Info: 06-323 3318.
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
At the City of Wellington Pipe Band Hall, Corner Stoke & Hanson Streets. Info: www.shetlandwellington.org.nz.
Presented by Lochiel Scottish Country Dance Club at Matangi Community Hall. Info: www.waibopscd.org.nz.
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
The poems and songs of the great bard of Scotland, Robert Burns, are performed by members, visitors and guests followed by a light afternoon tea at Scottish Masonic Buildings 59 Grey Street, Onehunga. Info: [email protected].
Celebrate with the Shetland Society of Wellington at the Indian Cultural Centre. Info: www.shetlandwellington.org.nz.
At the City of Wellington Pipe Band Hall, Corner Stoke & Hanson Streets. Info: www.shetlandwellington.org.nz.
Raise a glass and try a dram and celebrate the water of life! Info: www.worldwhiskyday.com
Competitions are set to again showcase local and national solo bagpiping talent at the highest level at The Celtic Inn, Regent Arcade, 73-77 Broadway Ave. Info: Brent Le Quesne 027 289 8711 or [email protected].
St Davids in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. All are welcome to play, dance, or even call ceilidh dances and certainly just to watch. Info: [email protected]
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
Presented by Piping & Dancing Association of New Zealand Inc. Otago Centre at University College of Education, Union St. Info: [email protected] or www.piping-dancing.org.nz
Presented by Rotorua Scottish Country Dance Club. All daytime and evening functions will be held at Western Heights High School, 70 Old Quarry Rd. Info: 021 154 2473 or http://qbwe2017.waibopscd.org.nz
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Presented by the Auckland Highland & National Dancing Society at Maungawhau School. Info: [email protected]
This is an opportunity for you to become involved and help shape the bands future at 9 Rawhiti St Morningside. Info: www.northcalpipeband.com
The fourth match of the DHL New Zealand Lions Series 2017 sees the Highlanders taking on The British & Irish Lions at Forsyth Barr Stadium. Info: www.forsythbarrstadium.co.nz.
Presented by North Otago Piping and Dancing at Scottish Hall, Tyne St. Info: [email protected]
From beginners to experienced, BYO drums, mallets, band music at Sacred Heart College. Info: [email protected]
Presented by the Feilding & Districts Caledonian Society at Caledonian Hall, Weld St. Info: www.piping-dancing.org.nz
St Davids in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. All are welcome to play, dance, or even call ceilidh dances and certainly just to watch. Info: [email protected]
Waitakere Auckland Brass Band & The Auckland Police Pipe Band perform Celtic music at Bruce Ritchie Performing Arts Centre, 274 Don Buck Rd. Info: 09 817 7363.
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
Hororata will once again show's its Scottish colours. Join international Ceilidh Caller, Colin Forsyth and his band for a wonderful night of Scottish dancing, food and fun at Hororata Hall. Info: Tish Ballagh 03 3186 847 or Karen Meares 03 3186 959 or www.hororata.org.
Brings all the Scottish pipes and drums, brass bands, Scottish dance and more at the North Shore Events Centre. Free entry. Info: 09 443 8199 or www.nseventscentre.co.nz
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
The poems and songs of the great bard of Scotland, Robert Burns, are performed by members, visitors and guests followed by a light afternoon tea at Scottish Masonic Buildings 59 Grey Street, Onehunga. Info: [email protected].
Ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig/Learning Gaelic at Epsom Community Centre, Gillies Ave, 2pm to 4.30pm. Info: Catherine A. Maclead 09-813 1001 or [email protected].
Showcasing creative endeavour from around New Zealand at the Celtic Barn, 47 The Centre. Info: www.waipumuseum.com.
Scottish country dance event. Info: www.aucklandscd.org.nz
Also featuring Pukekohe Pipe Band, Scottish dancers and more at Karaka War Memorial Hall, Cnr Linwood and Blackbridge Rds. Info: www.papakurapipeband.co.nz
At Brierley Theatre, Wellington College. Info: www.wellingtongaelicclub.org.nz
St Davids in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. All are welcome to play, dance, or even call ceilidh dances and certainly just to watch. Info: [email protected]
Daily doings at home in Aberdeen in 1868 at the Victoria University of Wellington Law School, Old Government Buildings, Lambton Quay. Info: https://wellyscots.wordpress.com
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
Featuring Chris Paton, leading Scottish professional genealogist, author and speaker. Will have a full day British Isles stream, most with a good Scottish focus at Fickling Convention Centre, 546 Mt Albert Rd. Info: [email protected] or www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Enjoy a night of whiskey tasting, live smooth jazz and a delicious 3-course meal at Tabula Rasa, 1551 Great South Rd. Info: www.tabularasa.co.nz
The Blenheim & Districts Highland Pipe Band presents their annual Celtic in the Kirk concert. Performances by Pipers and Drummers, Marlborough Dance Centre, Marlborough Sounds Barbershop Chorus, Shamrock Touch and others at St Andrews Presbyterian Church, 5 Henry St. Info: Info: Phone: 578 9356 or [email protected]
Ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig/Learning Gaelic at Epsom Community Centre, Gillies Ave, 2pm to 4.30pm. Info: Catherine A. Maclead 09-813 1001 or [email protected].
St Davids in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. All are welcome to play, dance, or even call ceilidh dances and certainly just to watch. Info: [email protected]
Conducted under the rules of the Piping & Dancing Association of NZ at Witherlea School Hall. Info: [email protected] or www.piping-dancing.org.nz
A Tipenny Tipple (ale/beer) at the Victoria University of Wellington Law School, Old Government Buildings, Lambton Quay. Info: https://wellyscots.wordpress.com
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
Wee concert providing a variety of entertainment including piping & drums, Ceilidh band pieces & Highland dancing at Petone Working Mens Club, 47 Udy St. Info: 04-568 5404 or www.wellingtonredhackle.co.nz
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
At Levin and District War Memorial Hall, Chamberlain St. Ball Tickets: $45.00. Info: 06 368 3295.
Train in the unique Scottish Heavy Athletics, which requires a mix of strength, athleticism and sheer willpower. This day will prepare you for competing in the Gough Cat Amateur Heavy Championship at the Hororata Highland Games and other Heavy Events, at Hororata Domain, 10am – 3pm. Info: To register email [email protected] or 021 366 606. ... Read more
The poems and songs of the great bard of Scotland, Robert Burns, are performed by members, visitors and guests followed by a light afternoon tea at Scottish Masonic Buildings 59 Grey Street, Onehunga. Info: [email protected].
Info: www.shetlandwellington.org.nz.
While the main feature will be seeing and hearing the amazing talent from the best of New Zealand young players there will be lots of other fun Scottish entertainment of singing and dancing, so be ready for a fun night at Hawera Memorial Theatre, 70 Albion St. Info: 06 278 8599 or www.hawerapipeband.nz
Scottish country dance event. Info: www.aucklandscd.org.nz
Scotland’s biggest stand-up comedian Kevin Bridges will make his way to Christchurch, Dunedin, Auckland and Wellington in support of his highly-anticipated NZ tour. Info: www.abpresents.com.au/current-events/show/kevin-bridges-2
James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, alive and thriving in the 21st Century at the Victoria University of Wellington Law School, Old Government Buildings, Lambton Quay. Info: https://wellyscots.wordpress.com
St Davids in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. All are welcome to play, dance, or even call ceilidh dances and certainly just to watch. Info: [email protected]
This competition is held in conjunction with the Te Awamutu Performing Arts. Info: [email protected].
The Northland Caledonian Pipe Band will be holding its annual concert at the Capitaine Bougainville Theatre at Forum North. With traditional and modern Celtic music from the Northland Caledonian Pipe Band and the Lothian Academy of Highland Dancers. Info: [email protected]
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
Join City of Auckland Pipe Band in Celebrating it's 75th Anniversary at Mt Eden War Memorial Hall, 487 Dominion Rd. Info: 0800 BUY TIX (289 849) or www.cityofaucklandpipeband.org.nz
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
Grade's 1 to 4 , mini band and solos at Murphy's Law Irish Bar, 200 Great South Rd. Info: [email protected]
A fun community event, featuring live Scots and Irish music from the Gaidhealtachd Band and an appearance from the City of Auckland Pipe Band at the Holy Trinity Church Hall, Church St. Info: 09 445 3757.
Celebrate Celtic music with the Auckland Wind Orchestra at Saint Kentigern College, 130 Pakuranga Rd. Info: 0800 BUY TIX (289 849).
Piping event at St. Andrew’s College Norman’s Rd. Info: www.pipersclub.co.nz.
Scots singer at Ashburton Trust Event Centre, 211a Wills St. Info: 03 307 2010 or www.ateventcentre.co.nz.
St Davids in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. All are welcome to play, dance, or even call ceilidh dances and certainly just to watch. Info: [email protected]
Legendary Scottish singer Isla Grant returns with exciting new songs, plus her extensive repertoire of much loved music. Info: www.grand-concerts.com
Celtic Jewellery at the Victoria University of Wellington Law School, Old Government Buildings, Lambton Quay. Info: https://wellyscots.wordpress.com
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. Info: www.freewebs.com/aucklandscottishfiddleclub
One of the Southern Hemispheres biggest Scottish festivals with tons of Scottish family events and entertainment at Hororata Domain. Info: Cindy Driscoll 021 366 606 or www.hororatahighlandgames.org.nz.
The poems and songs of the great bard of Scotland, Robert Burns, are performed by members, visitors and guests followed by a light afternoon tea at Scottish Masonic Buildings 59 Grey Street, Onehunga. Info: [email protected].
A kaleidoscope of activities are on display - Highland and Country dancing, singing and music, the skirl of the pipes in the Pipe Band and Solo Piping competitions. Free family event at Ellerslie Event Centre, 80 Ascot Ave. Info: www.aucklandhighlandgames.wordpress.com or [email protected].
St Davids in the Fields Church, 202 Hillsborough Rd. All are welcome to play, dance, or even call ceilidh dances and certainly just to watch. Info: [email protected]
The Blenheim & Districts Highland Pipe Band will be celebrating St Andrews Day with Pipes and Drums, Highland Dancing, Scottish Country Dancing and haggis ceremony at Seymour Square, 92 High St. Info: Phone: 578 9356 or [email protected]
Wishing all our readers and friends a happy St Andrew's Day! Celebrate St Andrew’s Day, Scotland’s national day.
Monthly on the first Friday at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Rd. All instruments welcome to read through favourite Scottish tunes and dance sets. Info: John Hawthorn: [email protected].
Presented by the Shetland Society of Wellington. Info: www.shetlandwellington.org.nz.