The 19th annual Scottish North American Community Conference (SNACC) will once again be taking place virtually, over the weekend of December 10 – 12th. The conference looks to build upon the greater audience joining in 2020, encouraging and hoping that you will add your voice to the conversation. The Conference, organized by founders the Chicago Scots and American Scottish Foundation together with the Detroit St Andrews Society, COSCA (Council of Scottish Clans & Associations), CASSOC (Clans and Scottish Societies of Canada) and the Centre for Scottish Studies at the University of Guelph, are developing a three-day program under the title of ‘Expressions of Scottishness”-Exploring the Full Dimensions of Scotland’s Engagement with North America in 2021.
Raise awareness of Scotland and Scottish culture

The Conference is an opportunity for those in the Scottish North American community to share views, values, experiences and best practices. The conference aims to raise awareness of Scotland and Scottish culture; to develop a better understanding of the roles, objectives and operations of the various government, academic, non-profit and private sector organizations that operate in the Scottish-North American community and to identify opportunities to enhance communication and collaboration within the community.
The days focus on various areas relating to the question the conference poses: Friday afternoon focuses upon genealogy and developments around research of one’s Scottish roots.
Saturday turns to the expression of arts, heritage, and culture today. How the way we engage has changed and is developing – from fashion, to museum and heritage site installations to highland games
Sunday will turn once again to Scotland and hearing of plans for 2022 from leading organizers and organizations. We will hear of plans developing around the Year of Scotland’s Stories, the continuing celebration of the 250th anniversary of Sir Walter Scott, the 75th anniversary of the Edinburgh Festival and the new focus around “Responsible Tourism”.
The Conference will be delivered online on Zoom and will feature prominent guest presenters from Scotland and the Scottish North American community.
Hosted once again by the American Scottish Foundation, daily or weekend tickets are available online at the SNACC website: or email: [email protected]